
2 Minute Read

As the EPA and the states continue to find balance between enforcement and compliance support, the federal agency announced its . This includes six National Compliance Initiatives and the implementation of a seventh priority, the Lead Action Plan.

In addition to these topics, we selected the following articles from BC’s BLR source to provide additional regulatory updates:

EPA seeks comment on proposed perchlorate levels in drinking water

Almost a year past the original deadline, the EPA finally released  and is now requesting comment on the proposed Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 56 micrograms per liter (µg/L) and a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) at 56 µg/L. A chemical often used within the defense and aerospace industries, the EPA stated in 2011 that perchlorate met the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) criteria for regulating a contaminant.

The EPA is also requesting comment on foregoing the establishment of an MCL and MCLG for perchlorate at all. The rule would predominantly impact 58,325 public water systems with 10,000 or fewer customers.

Avoid fines: Do your TRI reporting due diligence by July 1

Get ready: The EPA has already issued multiple fines to entities not accounting for  for Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reports. Due by July 1, reporting the correct information in the TRI report is critical even if nothing has changed at your facility from the last year.

To , remember that if your facility has at least 10 full-time employees and falls in the listed North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, you must include TRI listed chemicals that are manufactured, processed, or used more than established thresholds.

About the experts

Meghan Krishnayya, Indianapolis, is the Compliance & Permitting Service Line Director for Brown and Caldwell, with expertise in environmental regulatory program strategy development and implementation.

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