
1 Minute Read

What does the future hold for the water industry? Brown and Caldwell (BC) CEO Rich D’Amato recently sat down with “Water Talk” host Todd Schnick and Water Online Chief Editor Kevin Westerling for a live podcast at American Water Works Association’s ACE19 to talk about how BC is leading the way in innovation, whether it’s infrastructure, Big Data, water reuse, sustainability and resiliency, or talent.

“Right now, we have 18 pilot plant studies going on with existing clients,” D’Amato explains, “where we’re testing out new technologies side by side as their partner.”

Take membranes for example. BC is utilizing membrane bioreactors in aerobic and anaerobic sludge systems. Before, its use was in clean water, to extract contaminants. Then there’s using existing data analytics to help clients accurately predict when treatment events occur to better manage resources and lower costs.

Listen to the podcast (13 minutes, 45 seconds) to learn how BC is helping build the future of water by developing top talent and driving tech innovation further, faster.