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Week of July 13, 2020 | Virtual Conference

Brown and Caldwell (BC) will be among industry professionals leading the discussion at the Water Environment Association of Texas and the Texas American Water Works Association’s largest regional water conference in the U.S. During this virtual event, industry experts and professionals will be sharing the latest in water and wastewater treatment technologies, research, regulations, and case studies. Drop by the Innovation Lounge, sponsored by BC, and learn about the latest game-changing solutions and technologies from across North America!


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (Of Water Conservation and Corrosion Control)
Fernie Silva, Speaker
Odor & Corrosion Control Track

Managing your Assets so that they Work for YOU
Rhonda Harris, Speaker
Asset Management Track

Highlights from Recent WRF Research Evaluating the Trade-Offs of Alternative Water Supplies
Wendy Broley, Speaker
Water Reuse Track