
1 Minute Read

PFAS in water have been attracting national attention due to their prevalence, adverse health effects, and rapidly evolving regulatory landscape. The regulatory landscape for PFAS in wastewater is highly complex and evolving, with some states requiring monitoring of PFAS compounds in wastewater and biosolids, and others like Colorado moving towards permit limits. Federal action on PFAS is under the EPA PFAS Action Plan but may be impacted by the Congressional landscape in 2021. The wastewater industry is growing in awareness of the potential impacts and costs of detecting PFAS in wastewater and biosolids and liability exposure. This presentation provides an overview of the challenges associated with PFAS in wastewater and biosolids, including: 1) monitoring and sampling, 2) analytical methods, 3) changing regulatory landscape, and 4) cost of treatment or management in the liquid and solid streams. It also covers what organizations including Water Environment Federation, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, California Association of Sanitation Agencies, and Northeast Biosolids and Residuals Association are doing to provide guidance and policy recommendations.

This recording is from a presentation given during the 9th Annual Water Reuse in Texas Virtual Conference.