
2 Minute Read

October 16 -20

WEFTEC 2021, the premiere conference for the water community, will take place October 16-20 in Chicago. Featuring BC speakers, attendees will have access to various learning sessions and networking opportunities allowing for connection and professional growth.


Monday, October 18

Partial Dentrification Model Extension for Mainstream Shortcut Nitrogen Removal: Model Evaluation
Ahmed Al-Omari, Speaker
4:00 PM

Tuesday, October 19

Leading the Change: How Candid Conversations Around Gender Create an Authentic and Empowered Workforce
Tracy Chouinard,  Speaker
11:30 AM

Watershed Science Improves Environmental and Regulatory Outcomes: A Case Study with Phosphorus in the Midwest
Clifton Bell,  Speaker
1:52 PM

Pin Point Proof: Innovative Temperature Study Accurately Locates Potential Sources of I/I
Andy Lukas, Speaker
2:00 PM

A Bigger Picture Look at Florida’s Nutrient- Loading and the Relative Insignifigcance of Biosolids-Derived Products
John Willis, Speaker
2:36 PM

Facing Obstacles to Water Reuse: A California Perspective
Melanie Holmer, Speaker
4:00 PM

Process Intensification Using Low Dissolved Oxygen Biological Nutrient Removal
Jose Jimenez, Speaker
4:00 PM

The Savings are in the Details: Fundamentals of ABAC Design
Mark Miller, Speaker
4:00 PM

Secondary Clarifier Upgrades for Managing Extreme Floating Solids/Scum Conditions in a Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment Unit
Ronald Ballard, Speaker
4:00 PM

Wednesday, October 20

Whole Effluent Toxicity Evaluation at Recycled Fiber Paperboard Mill Leads to Indirect Discharge to POTW
Dominic Pontarolo, Speaker
8:35 AM

Maintaining Final Effluent Discharge at San Jose RWF Amid Rising Sea Levels and Construction of USACE Flood Protection Levee
Rachel Philipson, Speaker
8:50 AM

Real Time Predictive Modeling for Public Water Quality Alerts
Jamie Lefkowitz, Speaker
1:45 PM

School House Rock: How a Bill Becomes a Law and then Fully Defined
John Willis, Speaker
1:30 PM

From Theory to Practice: Continuous Flow Aerobic Granulation Using External Selectors in Full-Scale US Facilities
Pusker Regmi, Speaker
1:45 PM

City of Memphis Implementation of a Smart Wastewater Monitoring Network
Joshua Balentine, Speaker
2:10 PM