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Brown and Caldwell (BC) will be among industry thought leaders collaborating with engineers, scientists, planners, and government officials at the 35th Annual WateReuse Virtual Symposium. Hosted by the WateReuse Association and Water Research Foundation, the conference is a highly anticipated premiere event on recycled water. This year’s theme is Reaching New Heights in Water Reuse, a showcase of the exciting growth in water recycling throughout the U.S. as it becomes a strategic solution in One Water management. BC is proud to sponsor the Water Reuse 101 Boot Camp, a three-part training session on how to implement a successful water recycling program led by BC’s water reuse team. Join us! Preview our leadership lineup below.

Water Reuse 101: A Bootcamp for Beginners

Session Group: Water Reuse 101: A Bootcamp for Beginners
Brooke Wright, Moderator
Dr. Allegra da Silva, Technical Committee Chair

Introduction to Water Reuse and Key Elements of Water Reuse Programs
Melanie Holmer and Dr. Kati Bell, Speakers


Managing Regional Water Reuse Programs: Enabling Success for Pure Water Soquel: Five P’s That Hold the Keys
Anup Shah, Speaker

Water Systems and Water Reuse: Buildings, Community and Utility Synergies
Rucker Alex, Speaker

Weighing the Future of Non-Potable Reuse in Colorado
Patricia Whitby and Dr. Allegra da Silva, Speakers

Think Globally, Act Locally – Evaluating Potable Water Recycling in the UK
Melanie Holmer and Dr. Kati Bell, Speakers

Design and Operational Considerations for Ozone in Water Reuse
Denise Funk and Hannah Ford, Speakers