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For much of his career, Will Quantz felt it was easier not to talk about his personal life in the professional world to avoid any potentially awkward situations or out of fear of being judged for anything other than his performance at work.

Having joined BC in 2007, Will, now West Business Unit Sales Leader, has built strong relationships with colleagues across the firm, including his boss, Steve Anderson, West Business Unit Leader and Executive Sponsor of the LGBTQ Community and Allies Employee Network Group (ENG). Will joined the ENG’s leadership team shortly after its launch in 2019.

“When I learned about the new LGBTQ Community and Allies Employee Network Group,” Will says, “I stepped back and reflected on my experiences at work, and how often I avoided sharing much about my personal life, even while others openly discussed their own.”

“I realized that I wanted to be a part of this ENG, not only to support its important mission, but because I needed to push myself to be more open and authentic with my colleagues.”

With the intention to provide support for employees and allies of the LGBTQ community at BC, the group aims to promote a culture of openness and transparency. As part of his role as the group’s strategy and planning coordinator, Will helps the ENG leadership team strategize and implement all aspects of the group’s events and outreach efforts.

This year’s Pride Month was a mark of success for the group as it played a key role in the company’s celebratory activities and historical lessons. The activities and acknowledgements brought a large boost in engagement for the group and resulted in membership growth.

Outside of work as a resident of Seattle, Will loves to be out in nature, whether it’s hiking, running, or exploring. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, traveling was a big part of Will’s life, both professionally and leisurely. He looks at the positive aspects of the current situation as it has allowed him to spend more time with his small family. He has also sharpened his skills in the kitchen with more home cooking and baking.