Like many utilities across the country, the Columbus Water Works (CWW-Columbus, Georgia) has found access to previously available lands for Class B biosolids application becoming increasingly limited. In response to these concerns, CWW considered a number of processes to further reduce pathogens (PFRPs) and operational options for achieving Class A biosolids quality allowed in the 40 CRF, Part 503 regulation. A new, potential Class A process was identified to be very cost effective for retrofit to a treatment plant with existing anerobic digesters. Development of a new Class A process (PFRP equivalent process) would require considerable research effort and negotiation with the Pathogen Equivalency Committee (PEC) of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA); this was determined to be work the investment based on the potential capital and operational saving that would result from nation-wide application of the new technology. The treatment technology has been named “Biosolids Flow-Through Thermophilic Treatment” (BFT). This paper provides an overview of the BFT process, discussion on CWW’s approach to developing the process, and preliminary pathogen testing data from the investigation.
Columbus Biosolids Flow-through Termophilic Treatment (BFT) as a Cost Effective Means to Achieve Class A Digestion.
Authors: John Willis, Ted Hull, Perry Schafer; Michael Aitken, Mark Sobsey (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); Cliff Arnett, Billy Turner (Columbus Water Works)
2002 WEF Residuals and Biosolids Conference