Nitrification design approach for high strength ammonia wastewaters, C. E. Adams, Jr., and W. W. Eckenfelder, Jour. Water Poll. Control Fed., 49, 413 (1977). Current recognition of the requirement for ammonia reduction in municipal and industrial wastewaters has prompted renewed interest in the biological nitrification process. As noted by Adams and Eckenfelder, the majority of the recent investigations have been concerned with low-strength municipal wastewaters. The authors imply that the “classical” design relationships developed in the treatment of municipal wastewaters will not be applicable when dealing with industrial effluents. Consequently, they present a strictly empirical design relationship which seems to successfully correlate the degree of ammonia removal to the hydraulic retention time of the biological reactor and mixed liquor volatile suspended solids concentration.
Discussion of “Nitrification Design Approach for High Strength Ammonia Wastewater”
Authors: Denny S. Parker, P. M. Suttom
1978 Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, Vol. 50