Papers and Reports

The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD), located in the north-eastern part of the San Francisco Bay area, is currently designing a 30-mgd (114,000-cu m/day) water reclamation plant that will produce water for industries located along the southern shore of Suisun Bay beginning in 1975. On April 27, 1972, CCCSD completed contract negotiations with the Contra Costa County Water District (CCCWD) for the purchase, in 1975, of an estimated 19mgd (72,000 cu m/day), increasing by 1980 to an average of 24 mgd (91,000 cu m/day) with a peak daily use of 32 mgd (121,000 cu m/day). Industries will use about 75 percent of the reclaimed water for cooling and the remainder for process purposes. Reclaimed water that is produced in excess of industry’s needs will be discharged directly to Suisun Bay. Because the reclaimed water will be almost completely free of oxygen-demanding materials, nutrients, and toxicants, it will have no deleterious effect on the receiving water. In late November 1971, CCCSD placed in operation a full-scale Advanced Treatment Test Facility (ATTF) at its existing wastewater treatment plant. The purpose of the test facility is to provide the District and its consultant, Brown and Caldwell, with information on the operation of the various treatment processes that will be used in the water reclamation plant. That information will ensure that a flexible plant will be designed, constructed, and operated.