Traditional air sparging (AS) and soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems consist of the installation of vertical wells based on a pre-determined radius of influence. By installing horizontal AS points in several locations within one continuous horizontal borehole, a large areal extent of the contaminant plume can be treated and cost savings are easily realized. A former retail gasoline site in southwest Idaho had been subjected to 10 years of intermittent pump and treat remediation. During this time the contaminant plume migrated off site to an adjacent property. Access to this plume via traditional vertical remediation points was limited because a large portion of the plume was beneath an off-site building. Current remedial efforts consisted of installation two directional-drilled horizontal borings located parallel to the axis of plume migration and the installation of six horizontal AS points, two horizontal biosparging points and associated SVE system components to capture fugitive vapors generated by the AS system.
Horizontal Air Sparging to treat petroleum Hydrocarbon Impact of Groundwater
Authors: Mark E. Gagnon, Clifford I. Roberts
2003 Battelle Bioremediation Conference