Navy Water Plant Features Dual Media Filtration
Use of 30 inches of granular activated carbon in dual-media filtration provides effective taste and odor control at the Lemoore…
Use of 30 inches of granular activated carbon in dual-media filtration provides effective taste and odor control at the Lemoore…
Power generation from digester gas has been the subject of increased interest as a result of recent energy shortages and…
A survey taken by members of the AWWA Valuation and Depreciation Com. reports the basis and permitted rate of return…
The design of a combined facility for wastewater and solid waste processing may provide an energy self-sufficient system in an…
The activated sludge process was discovered quite by accident in 1914 by Arden and Lockett in England (1). Following that…
The performance of the activated sludge process is limited by the ability of the secondary sedimentation basin to separate and…
The purpose of the Phase 1 infiltration/inflow analysis is to determine by a “desk-top” analysis approach that the infiltration/inflow entering…
Slowly but surely our institutions are responding to our country’s desire for a major effort to clean up our environment…
The term “automation”, as applied to wastewater treatment, refers to the automatically controlled operation of a process or system by…
Disposal of sewage and industrial wastes from San Jose and vicinity to the tidewaters of southeast San Francisco Bay has…
Equitable rates are hard to come by. This is one fact that is becoming increasingly clear to utility managers. Rate…
Numerous AWWA committees have studied the possibilities of developing a water-main-extension policy that could be adopted by all water utilities,…