Dynamic Updating Program for Just In Time Design of Water Reclamation Facilities
The LOTT Alliance service population is expected to increase from 150,000 to 213,000 by the year 2030. Water quality issues…
The LOTT Alliance service population is expected to increase from 150,000 to 213,000 by the year 2030. Water quality issues…
The paper outlines the lessons learned from a series of stress testing and optimization studies performed at several municipal wastewater…
The Central Treatment Plant for the City of Tacoma has had problems with elevated effluent TSS concentrations and turbidity during…
Optimal secondary clarifier performance is crucial to meet treatment requirements, especially when treating peak wet weather flows (PWWFs), to prevent…
Many industrial wastewaters require micronutrient addition to achieve the desired organics removal and biological solids settling properties. Water conservation and…
The City of Boulder, Colorado 75th St. WWTP (Boulder WWTP) was recently converted from a trickling filter/solids contact (TF/SC) process…
Fundamental improvements in conditioning and dewatering can be accomplished with an accurate understanding of the biosolids being processed. Historically, the…
Developments in technology for soil dispersal for decentralized systems in small communities have been documented. Cases where potable water supplies…
Alternative novel biological nitrogen removal technologies may provide advantages over the conventional nitrification-denitrification nitrogen removal. One such advantage is the…
The City of Boulder converted their existing TF/SC process to a 25 mgd BNR activated sludge plant. Initial construction required…
This paper describes the City of Phoenix Water Services Department project to assess and identify enhanced use of Computerized Maintenance…
The dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) portion of effluent total nitrogen species is of increasing concern because of increasingly tighter effluent…