In southern California a number of Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs) have adoptedregulations that require municipalities to develop comprehensive…
Evolving environmental regulations in southern California pose new challenges for managing water quality for municipalities, industry, and the general public….
Organic silicon polymers (siloxanes) are increasing in use and are increasingly being detected at municipal sewage treatment facilities and landfills….
In order to comply with emerging Sanitary Sewer Overflow regulations expected from US EPA at the end of Year 2000,…
The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) and the City of Minneapolis are co-permittees of a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System…
In January 1997, Onondaga County executed an Amended Consent Judgment (ACJ) in settlement of litigation initiated in connection with alleged…
Several large diameter interceptors in the metropolitan Phoenix area exhibit hydrogen sulfide concentrations in excess of 100 parts per million…
The performance of a free water surface (FWS) constructed wetland at Cle Elum, Washington is reviewed. The wetland was designed…
A field investigation of land application of tomato process water was conducted in the Central Valley of California. The purpose…
Wastewater treatment using the soil profile for soil aquifer treatment has been practiced for over 100 years. Treatment levels of…
Watershed protection and stormwater management offer unique opportunities for public involvement. Well-managed efforts can energize and involve local residents in…
Coordinating officials from 15 jurisdictions and four counties can be considered a daunting task, regardless of the scenario. When the…