Preparing for a Successful Decommissioning
Recent state-level reforms, combined with a seemingly more flexible federal regulatory environment, are encouraging the redevelopment of environmentally-impacted properties. It…
Recent state-level reforms, combined with a seemingly more flexible federal regulatory environment, are encouraging the redevelopment of environmentally-impacted properties. It…
Dynamic process models, which facilitate the design of activated sludge systems, require numerous input parameters that characterize the influent wastewater…
The Hillsboro and Forest Grove Facilities treat wastewater for discharge to the Tualatin River to meet a 200 fecal coliform…
In the summer of 1993, following discussions with the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ), the City of Lincoln, made…
A water quality data analysis protocol (DAP) has been developed for a groundwater monitoring program at an industrial facility in…
The Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWTP) has experienced struvite (magnesium-ammonium-phosphate) scale buildup on certain equipment and pipes at the…
It is anticipated that the City of Windsor’s West Windsor plant will be required to be upgraded from its current…
Tertiary nitrifying trickling filters (NTFs) at the Littleton/Englewood wastewater treatment plant provide for nitrification to meet seasonally varying effluent requirements…
Activated sludge solids inventory control using the state point concept initially appears to many to be as nonsensical as “Form…
Extensive field testing and modeling was conducted at the ALCOSAN Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) during the spring and summer of…
The first step to total water management is accomplished by admitting that there is a limited water resource that must…
Modeling studies at hydraulics laboratories at Montana State University and ENSR Consulting and Engineering have confirmed the validity of an…