Defensive Water Quality Modeling: Industry’s Role in NPDES Permitting
Recent developments have increased industry’s participation in the process of setting effluent limitations for its treated wastewater. Realistic effluent limitations…
Recent developments have increased industry’s participation in the process of setting effluent limitations for its treated wastewater. Realistic effluent limitations…
Two midwest cities have implemented the caustic slugging technique for sulfide control on wastewater interceptors. The major problem at both…
This report outlines the characteristics that distinguish the trickling filter/solids contact (TF/SC) process for municipal wastewater treatment from other similar…
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsored the demonstration projects described in this paper to document the…
Insufficient pressure, numerous leaks, inadequate flows for fire fighting, decreased hydraulic capacity, occasional pipeline failures–these are the signs of a…
Cogeneration is proving to be the most cost-effective use of sludge gas at many wastewater treatment plants. The cogeneration system…
Widespread interest in composting as a means of municipal sludge treatment began in the early 1970s, and has increased dramatically…
Until recently, the normal approach to upgrading water and sewer systems was to construct new pipelines parallel to existing mains….
Reduction of boiler stack temperatures of between 350 and 450 degrees F to less than 140 degrees F, can save…
The Integrated Environmental Control (IEC) program in the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI’s) Coal Combustion Systems Division was established to…
This paper presents the results of tests of fabric filter/wet scrubber and electrostatic precipitator/wet scrubber environmental control configurations from the…
The Integrated Environmental Control (IEC) program in the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI’s) Coal Combustion Systems Division was established to…