The largest trickling filter solids contact (TF/SC) facility ever constructed is the 1,088 mega-liter per day Annacis Island Wastewater Treatment Plant (AIWWTP) in Vancouver, BC. This paper provides an operational update to the AIWWTP, which began full operation in 1998. The performance of the trickling filters has been excellent, with average soluble BOD removal in excess of 70 percent across the biofilm process, even at periods of very high loadings. TheTF/SC process at the AIWWTP has provided stable operation throughout periods of increasing flows and loads, and beyond its design capacity, demonstrating the robust nature of TF/SC and its continued applicability as a wastewater treatment technology.
Ten Years Gone: An Operational Update of Annacis Island, the World’s Largest Trickling Filter Solids Contact Treatment Facility
Authors: R. Kelly, H. Melcer, S. Krugel and B. Hystad
2010 WEF/IWA Biofilm Reactor Technology Conference