A wastewater authority encounters many constraints in the processing and disposal of wastewater-generated solids. These constraints frequently include regulatory agency controls, lack of sufficient land, and poor climatic conditions. Through careful planning and thorough engineering studies, a self-contained solids processing and disposal system has been designed and constructed for the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (district) new 5.96 cubic meter per second (136 mgd) activated-sludge secondary treatment plant. This solids system is under the total control of the district and is notably unaffected by many of today’s common wastewater solids processing and disposal constraints.
Total Containment of Solids at the 5.96 m3/s (136mgd) Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
Authors: Warren L. Uhte, Paul A. Scheidegger, Gary J. Volpe, William N. Anderson, Allen K. Wolfenden
1980 Water Pollution Control Federation Conference